Tutors and Grader Applications!!

Hey Everybody! 

The UCSB Tutors and Graders (TAG) Program is now accepting applications for Winter Quarter. The qualifications are as follows:

– Must be an Economics & Accounting Major

– Minimum Accounting and Overall GPA of 3.2

– Minimum Letter Grade of “B” in courses assigned to you

– Will complete 136A/137A by the end of this quarter or have already completed these 2 courses 

– Minimum 3 quarters remaining at UCSB

If you meet these qualifications and are interested in joining the TAG program, apply at https://www.ucsbtutorsandgraders.com/hiring-process.html. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Eve Siddiq (evesiddiq@ucsb.edu) or Antonio Lorenzana (antonioglorenzana@ucsb.edu). Applications are due November 10th at 11:59 PM. 
Best, Antonio Lorenzana (Head Tutor)Eve Siddiq (Head Grader)
-Antonio Lorenzana