Do not miss this event!!

Hello Gauchos!
The Undergraduate Economics Association (UEA), in collaboration with Economics student Yubo Wei, is hosting the Economics Predoctoral Information Session on Oct 28, 2021, at 07:00 PM.
The event is a Pre-doc Research Assistant Information Session with alumni panelists who are working or have worked as a pre-doc in Harvard, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and UChicago. 
For those who are interested in getting a PhD in economics, it is a perfect chance to get some insights and questions answered. For others who are just pursuing academic success, it is also a great opportunity to learn about potential career paths. The meeting will be in a casual format so attendees could connect with our guest speakers on a personal level and hear about their experiences.
The event will be on zoom via the link below:

Best wishes,
Undergraduate Economics Association (UEA)